Healthy Lifestyle

Your cell phone is dirtier than your toilet!

We live in the modern age of all things electronic. The funny thing about electronics is that they get touched…a lot….COOTIES!!! Haha! Germs are the sneaky little culprits that make you sick without even realizing that they are there in the first place.

What’s the one item that never leaves your side?

It goes into the bathroom with you. You use it in the kitchen. It often touches your face, your desk and, well, just about any other surface within arm’s reach.

It’s your smartphone, of course. And the tasks listed above are just some of the reasons it’s a breeding ground for germs and a cesspool of bacteria.

Fecal matter can be found on 1 out of every 6 smartphones, according to a 2011 study done by researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

“Mobile phones have become veritable reservoirs of pathogens as they touch faces, ears, lips and hands of different users of different health conditions,” researchers observed in a 2009 study of bacteria removed from personal calling devices.

A study by the University of Arizona found the typical worker’s desk, which tends to be your smartphone’s home for about 40 hours a week, has hundreds of times more bacteria per square inch than an office toilet seat.

Other studies have found serious pathogens on smartphones such as Streptococcus, MRSA—which is a type of bacteria that is resistant to several antibiotics—and even E. coli.

You can use Lemon Essential oil full strength on a microfiber cloth or make a DIY spray to keep on hand and use regularly.

I make this DIY spray to clean my screen and also help kill all of the germs and bacteria that have built up on and around it!

🌿 1/4 cup white distilled vinegar
🌿 1/4 cup distilled water
🌿 5 drops Lemon essential oil

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